Friday, August 19, 2011

Tom's Resturant and Saint John the Divine

Today after running some very important errands and making very important appointments, all before 1pm!!!, I was clear for the day and met my cousins in Central Park for some more sight seeing and showing them around a bit. After showing them a few spots in Central Park and we went to Tom's Restaurant. The restaurant most famously known for being the hang out of the Seinfeld cast in the famous show, Seinfeld.
Personally I have no idea if the taped inside the restaurant but if they did it wold be very difficult to because of the size of the place, its a lot smaller then it seems on the show.
I had a ham omelette and it was good. My cousins had the malt and a turkey wrap and the enjoyed their meals too.
Leilani and I outside of Tom's restaurant, Where George, Jerry and Elaine used to hang out!

 After Tom's we parted ways and Leilani and I went to Saint John the Divine Cathedral for the first time. It was pretty amazing! I think cathedrals are a true testament to what man can create and do with its bare hands. When most, if not all, cathedrals were built it was far before the invention of advanced machinery and these humongous cathedrals were still erected. However, the down side to some cathedrals is that there foundations were sometimes built on corruption.
Never the less the cathedral was breath taking and the attention to detail in impeccable. The people of these cathedrals took their time and had a story to tell. No detail was left out.
Look at the attention to detail!

From the street.

A side view.

I'm currently undertaking my third First of the day. Homemade Avocado hair mask!! I'll be sure to let you all know how it turns out!
Total First for today: 3!
  • (Seinfeld's) Tom's Resturant
  • Saint John the Divine Cathedral 
  • Homemade Avocado Hair Mask
Thank you for reading!

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