Thursday, June 30, 2011

High Line part 2 and Rainbow city

I'm sorry I haven't posted any picture recently but my computer is being very insubordinate and has its mine of it own, therefore I have not been able to upload them and post them but they are coming :)

**UPDATED with pictures**
Todays First was going to the second part of High Line. The second part opened in June while I was in Florida. The first thing I noticed was that the second section is LONG!! As expected the marriage between agriculture, architecture and uniqueness was executed wonderfully. The High Line is a such a unique place to be and I always enjoy going there. Today was also my first time playing in their "human bird bath"as I like to call it lol. But it really is a really cool water feature that lets you take your shoes off and just relax in it.
At the end of the second section there is a temporary exhibit called Rainbow City that my daughter an I checked out for, as you guessed, the First time. The exhibit is originally from Miami artist and is a inflated ballon type things.... to be honest I am not giving the exhibit a good describtion so I'm just going to include the link lol 
After playing around the exhibit and and letting my daughter jump in the bounce house we were home bound, on account of the sun kicked our butts. lol 
Sorry I have no pictures today but I will upload them whenever my computer decides to be nice.
(I'm currently on my dad's Mac which I love by the way)
Total First for today:2!
  • Section 2 of High Line 
  • Rainbow City

I love NYC

Rainbow City
Thank you for reading! and Please suggest anything I would like to have some suggestions :)

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