Monday, May 2, 2011

Ice Cream and Teeth

Today I stayed inside most of the day it was a bit chilly out and I had a lot of phone calls to make, plus taking a "break" is nice once in a while.
Today I made homemade ice cream for the first time ever!
It was a lot of shaking basically and considering I made 2 1/2 batches, 1 for each child and 1/2 one for me because it didn't turn out right, I think I burned more than enough calories :)
Making homemade ice cream is something that I've wanted to do since I was a kid and I finally found out how to do it and did it! The process is really easy and I just used Youtube and How Cast to instruct me on where to get started.
The only things you need are:
  • Plastic bags(2)
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Ice
  • Salt
  • any flavor that you want to add
After combining some of the ingredients you shake for what feels like FOREVER and then enjoy!
The ice cream batches that I made for the kids came out great but mine, strawberry, didn't come out too well. I think its because I doubled the ingredients and was tired and my arms hurt from all the shaking. Instead I settled for an authentic shake, since I shook it, with cut up strawberrys in it and it was actually really good.

My home made vanilla ice cream !
My next first for the day was pulling someones tooth it. My daughters!
My daughter, whom you can read about in my other, has had loose teeth for a couple moths now and today while she was speaking to me I noticed that he teeth were laying on her lip they were so loose. The two bottom teethe were literally hanging on by a vein. I asked her if she was ready to have them taken out and she said yes. After showing everyone in the house her loose teeth and after several tears I pulled out her two front lower teeth!
It was sooo weird pulling someones teeth out and being that shes my little girl it was emotional.
I know I sound corny but if you're a parent you know what I mean an if your not maybe one day you will :)
My first for today!
Home made ice cream and pulling out teeth!
Thank you again for reading check out my other blog and if you have any ideas please share I would love to try anything.

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