Tuesday, May 31, 2011

America's Got Talent

Today I did nothing!! It felt great but strange at the same time and being that I have no TV at home, let alone cable TV, I've been catching up on horrible TV commercials and train wreck reality shows. So after watching hours of crazy women from all over the US aurgeing and detective Stabler and Benson kicking ass I watched America's Got Talent for the FIRST time.
Of course I laughed at all the "untalented" and the guy that fell off stage. OMG that was awesome lol he did a cart wheel right off the stage!
Over all it was your typical monkey talent show. Some were good others... not... so much.
Hopefully I get a good nights sleep tonight so I can have more adventurous and fun First to blog about and go to the gym!
Thank you for reading! I promise funner post will come!
Thank you for reading!!

Coors Light anyone?

Yesterday I was still feeling under the weather but said whatever, and started drinking. I know not a good choice but...
Since being in Florida I haven't felt that good but I can't just lay in bed all day.
So after we basically kicked out the men that were working around the house we were off to explore.
I'm not much of a drinker but decided to because if I'm going to feel bad I might as well have some fun lol.
So my First for yesterday was drinking Coors Light. I'm a bit in shock because I drunk beer and especially Coors Light ... goodness.
Joann, Me and my Coors
Number of First: 1!
Thank you for reading and dealing with my sluggishness these last few days!

Monday, May 30, 2011

MAY 29th: Fage, Bud Light and the pool

Sorry trying to play catch up so I will be uploading pictures at a later time. Currently I'm sickly, in bed and trying to relax and not being very good at it because my mind is going 1000 MPH! The good news is that I changed my settings so now EVERYONE can share their comments! :)

Anyhow. My first First of yesterday was going over to a family friends house and swimming in their pool. We all had lots of fun playing volley ball in the pool and being loud, competitive crazy woman! Leilani was hesitant about going in the pool at first but after I literally threw here in the middle of the pool she was fine and didn't want to get out later. After eating, taking a nap and jumping back into the pool we left and I met one of my best friend Shanika for some drinks and catching up.
Yesterday was also the first time I bought Bud Light and a new flavor of my favorite Greek yogurt:Fage.

Total First for yesterday: 3!
Like I said before sorry my post are so brief and late please bare with me as I get better!
If you have any suggestions or things I should do while in Florida let me know! :)

MAY 28th Post: Airport with 2 KIDS!

Sorry I haven't been consistent, I'm on vacation in Florida which means lots of family and friend time!
Then to top it all of my daughter an I are getting sickly :(!!
Any how let me back track and tell you my May 28th First :)
May 28th was the first time that I was in an airport with two kids by myself! At first I was REALLY worried because both my nephew and daughter like myself were VERY excited to go to Florida and because I was beginning to feel under the weather and was a bit extra cranky.
However, when we got to the airport check in was a BREEZE, security was a walk in the park, and waiting at the gate was an adventure! Being that I was feeling blah I just let the kids run around the waiting area I know probably not the best "parent" decision but whatever they're young and my head was in the congestion cloud.
Over all the First was surprisingly easy and breezy. I'd do it again I mean of course when they are 35 lol!
Total First for May 28th: 1! very big one that I'm proud I managed with out yelling! :)
Please bare with me while I try to get better to enjoy my vacation and be able to blog more regularly!
Thank yu for reading! Picture coming later PROMISE!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


The last two days have been hectic!
I was getting everything ready for my upcoming trip to Florida to return my nephew to my sister.
Needless to say the stress of having two kids full time with NO breaks and 101 other things on my mind have bought me to very high levels of stress! My eye was even twitching, which I've never had happen before and to top it all off I woe up yesterday feeling sickly -_- ! Shamefully I will admit that I have an anxiety problem when it comes to the anticipation of flying, which is really weird because I fly pretty regularly and practically lived on planes as a young child. Any how the flight was quick, nice and the kids behaved WONDERFULLY!
My first for MAY-27th was NOTHING :( Sorry guys I got nothing I guess you could say that my First was packing a suitcase for three people.
The process was pretty easy. My eye kept twitching throughout the entire process because the kids were playing EXTREMELY LOUD!!
As for now I am on vacation in Florida trying to get better so I can enjoy the rest of my vacation!
It feels good to be back with my sister and friends!
Thank you for reading! I will try to stay in blogging as much as possible ! :)
Thank you once again sorry this post is so all over the place.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

72 Bus and Little Shop of Crafts

Today after the Zoo the kids an I went to The Little Shop of Crafts on the UWS.
To back track a bit the zoo was, the zoo. However! Today was the first time I saw a/the Polar Bear swimming and like usual I was more into it then the kids :)

After we left the zoo I decided to give the pottery store another go since we were unable to paint yesterday due to my untimely arrival."Wine Time" for adults which by the way I'm definitely going back for!

Leilani's Unicorn
The pottery store is at the far end of the island and I had on heels, for the first time in NYC, so I didn't feel much like walking so we got on the 72 bus. This was the first time I had riden this bus and I must say I'm getting better at navigating the whole bus thing !
We got to the store and the kids picked out their pieces of plaster and got to painting.

My feet in my heels!
Total First for today: 4!
  • Seeing a Polar Bear swim
  • Wearing heels in NYC
  • Riding the 72 bus
  • Taking the kids to the Little Shop of Crafts by myself
Thank you for reading ! o0o0 an I changed my settings so now you are all free to coment away!! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So this is all the ZOO!?

Two words. Bronx. Zoo. Ok I know i've been here before but today I saw parts of the zoo I didn't even know existed lol.
My First First of today was going inside the monkey house at the Bronx Zoo. It was a bit small and cowarded due to numerous field trips and it being pay as you like Wednesday.
However, there was this little Squirrel Monkey that was "playing" with a roach, yuck but cute at the same time. He would grab it and let it go and then observe it. It was funny because he was looking at the roach like we, humans, look at him.

Squirrel Monkey
My second First of today was seeing a Tapir (Tape- Ear). I have walked pass the thing a thousand times and never realized it until today. The things I like about zoo's and aquariums the most is the different shapes, sizes and unique characteristics of each of the animals. The Tapir almost looked like an ant eater, which I've only seen in pictures, but had a look all its own. I'm not really sure how to describe it.

Tapir at the Bronx Zoo
The third First of the day was getting on the shuttle, which was once again FREE because I'm a member, and going to the other side of the zoo. The kids an I got off at the Asia station but not before passing Africa and learning they had a LARGE African section 6 acres, give or take, an a gorilla compound! Upon arriving at Asia station we got on the mono rail, my fourth First, which takes you around a small section of the zoo that has animals native to Asia. We saw an elephant, deer, huge cows, deers and a few others that I shamefully don't remember.

On the Mono-Rail
Shortly after the kids an I went home and then left again to go to a little pottery place. However, when we got there I learned that it was only adult time, because they were serving wine, so we had to go :(
But we walked over to Central Park and found another park we'd never been to!
A Fifth First for the day!
Total first for today: 5!
Thank you for reading its late an I have to get to bed so I will update this with pics and a YouTube video!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blueberry pancakes, Indian food and o0o yeah SIM NET

This morning was AMAZING and easy going. Good weather, good company and of course a great breakfast to top it all off!
Yesterday I had a GREAT breakfast: Blueberries, strawberries, chocolate rice cake with plain great yogurt and orange juice and water! YUM!
So today I had to make something just as good. The other day while I was shopping for fruits I went down the pancake aisle for the kids and saw Jiffy blueberry muffin mix. I picked up the box and saw that you could use this to make blueberry pancakes. What a great idea, but I already had my blueberries in my cart and didn't want box blueberries, I mean that doesn't even sound good, boxed Blueberries?!
Anyways...lol this morning I got my pancake mix, which I wonder if there are whole grain pancakes since I don't really like pancakes and would feel better about giving my daughter whole grain pancakes, and fresh blueberries and started making Blueberry pancakes! They were actually REALLY good! I was proud of myself! and the kids liked them too! (Wow that's a lot of exclamation marks lol)

Blueberry pancakes! *_*
Then the next First was using the Baruch computer lab! I even got my own student email activated and my log in!!! I'm so official now! I'm not going to lie I am a bit intimidated about going "back" to school and all but I'm looking forward to it at the same time...?
Any how I had to buy thus CD ROM to help me study for the SIMNET test, basically an Excel Microsoft test, that I need to pass! So after finally getting the CD, you can read about my rant on my other blog:http://teenmomny.blogspot.com/2011/05/school-fustrations.html  , I find out that it still wont work and went into the Baruch computer lab to study for about 30 minutes before the test. Needless to say I failed the test but I don't think I did that bad because you need a 70 to pass and I got a 40...bahahah lol I know but I had never got a chance to really study, so I don't think its too bad lol plus I can retake it.
Taking the SIM NET test was another First. So that brings my total to 3 so far!
After taking the exam I was hungry but needed to get my eyebrows done so I figured that I would get them done then go home and eat. However, while I was on my way to get my eyebrows done I walked past an Indian restaurant that said lunch special $8! So I definitely had to check it out and boy am I glad I did. Like I told my sister, Lily, "This -ish is mad good, yo!" Lol I know not proper but oh well it was MAD good and mad cheap lol. Okay enough "mad". The whole meal was only $8.75+tip! The restaurant is called Leaf Curry. I wish I knew what I ate but I don't the waiter to get me what he liked and now we have something in common because I like it too!

Best $8 I've spent in NYC

  • Indian food at Leaf Curry bring my total to 4!
The next and final First for the day was getting my eyebrows done WITHOUT the kid(s). As you may have guessed already I do everything with the kids so today was my first time getting my eyebrows done in NYC with out the kids.
The rest of the day was great, in great part to the weather but more so because of my company. I know I'm crazy and say that I can't wait to have alone time but I feel guilty when I do and after I got the kids from the family friend that was watching them we went down to Central Park and I let them play in the water and we went to a park that we had never been to before on 67th Street after we left one that had a raccoon just chillin' in it!
Oo0o wow that's another first: 67th Street park and leaving a park because of a raccoon lol.
Total first for today: 6!
Omg I'm overwhelmed by all my First-ness [ I make up words can you tell ;) ] that I completely forgot to share that I had Grapefruit chicken, for the First time, the other day and boy was it DELICIOUS! My father made it and it was heaven!
Thakn you for reading!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Compost drop off and Blackberry Margarita

So today the kids an I left the house a bit late. I was going through it this morning lol but after about a gallon of Honey Chamomile tea I was relaxed and ready to go. I had to get my compost out of the freezer because it was taking just about all of it up and who needs compost in their fridge for that long anyways ...lol, so off we went to Union Square to drop off my compost.
This was my First first of the day dropping off compost. The collection is pretty big there are about 6-8 large trash bins FULL of compost and while I had my nice plastic container and a plastic bag I realized, that although not that environmentally friendly, I was going to be doing all of my composting out of plastic bags. They even have a collection at the composting site to recycle it for you and I can use and recycle my plastic bags:)... until they are all gone lol.
After that the kids an I hung around Union Square and when I decided it was time to go home I realized that I hadn't eaten since breakfast and probably should feed the kids. So we went to Fridays, after searching in Whole Foods, and I ordered my first alcoholic drink with MY ID!!! :)
I ordered a Skinny Black Berry Margarita, it was good and the waiter was nice enough to let me order off of the kids menu since I wasn't really hungry and very indecisive about what I wanted.
I ordered the spaghetti and marinara and it was actually quite good with the little side salad!

My Black Berry Margarita
Total First for today: 3
  • Compost drop off
  • First alcoholic drink with MY id... ;)
  • Ordering off the kids menu at Friday's
Please don't forget to check out my other blog: http://teenmomny.blogspot.com/
 and my YouTube channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/gmalone410?feature=mhee
Thank you for reading!
If you have any suggestions please let me know! :)

May 22nd: Maple Candy

I know not to exciting but "yesterday" while I was at Union Square I saw a stand that said Maple Candy so I figured I'd check it out. I got plain and pecan flavor and threw them into the bottom of my bag, then "today", the 22nd, while I was cleaning I found them and tried them. WHOA! are they, in my opinion, WAYYYYY to sweet to eat alone. They were both very good but basically taste like maple sugar cubes. Then today, the 23rd, I got to thinking that maybe that's what I would use them as, flavored sugar cubes. For example I would add them in tea as a sugar, in warm milk, oatmeal or in a baking recipe.
Sorry didn't mean to make you "wait" for such a short post.
PLZ don't mind the hair..lol Me and my Maple Candy bag

The bag the candy came in.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

High Line, L train and Ricky's

Sorry another in and out post I will update it tomorrow with pics!! and a new YouTube Vid! :)
A few days ago while I was on Twitter I say the AMNH tweet something about an elevated park in the city so I clicked on the link and found High Line, an elevated park in the Meat Packing Disctirct.
After checking out the website I decided that I would make this one of my first. When we arrived to High Line it was raining but I was not about to let some rain ruin my adventure so the kids an I stayed and I'm glad we did. The park is really edgey, modern and bizzare all at once.
The history of the park is that it used to be a freight train path that has been convered into an elevated park. Sounds really basic but if you think about it, it's pretty bizzare. Train tracks are basically line exposed electrical wires and now growing over them are beautiful floors and full sized trees... growing out of train tracks...? The park was really nice and is opening up the next section of the park next month I believe, so I will be going back to check it out. They even had a little water feauture that the kids played in for a little bit.

Vegetation in the park growing out of the tracks

Lounge chairs built over/onto the train tracks.
The link to the website is:http://www.thehighline.org/
I also made a YouTube video slideshow you can check out at:http://www.youtube.com/user/gmalone410?feature=mhee
Now to back track a bit I was on the East side of town at Union Square were I founds a Ricky's, which is a beauty store here in NYC, and went inside to see if they had a hair product for curly hair that I really don't want to order off line. This was my first time going inside a Ricky's and although they didn't have the product I was looking for they did have a lot of other things that I will be going back to to check out. After leaving Ricky's I got on the L train to go across town the High Line. This was also the first time I rode on the L train.
Thank you for reading sorry for being a poopy blogger lately but running around the city with 2 kids is EXHUASTING.
Once again thank you!

WOW what a DAY!

First for today: 6!
Sorry I'm BEAT so this post might make very little to no sense to a fully awake person lol.
My First first of today was buying something at the Baruch bookstore. I originally went to the bookstore to purchase a CD-ROM for my up coming SIM NET test for Baruch but ended up not buying it because I didn't know what Windows version I had and the CD is non- refundable and only works on certain versions of Windows. So instead I bought a lollipop for the kids and twizzlers for me... lol. I know but I couldn't walk out empty handed and they, the kids, were such good sports transferring from 3 different trains to have to walk in the rain,well not really because I held the umbrella over their heads like "they" do to royals, to the store, so hey the earned them!
After leaving the bookstore I did my second First of the day: eating at Outback. Okay so it may count as a First it may not but this was the first time I ever ate Outback in NYC, the baked sweet potato was killer!( After I took off all the unnecessary sugar, butter and cinnamon. I mean they're called SWEET potatoes for a reason they don't need that crap.)
I digress, my third First for today was taking the kids to Rockefeller by myself which in turn resulted into my fourth First: going inside the Lego store at Rockefeller. I had never been in there before and it was actually pretty cool. It had wonderful displays and Harry Potter lego sets of Diagon Alley and Hogwarts!
After that the kids an I walked over to Times Square and went to Toys R Us. We got on the Ferris wheel, My fifth First. I hadn't been on the ferris wheel before and it was surprisingly CHEAP, only $4.50 a person. However, I didn't like that it did not do one complete circle around but whatever the kids really liked it and I was really pumped too!Then after we got off of the ferris wheel I bought them each a toy, my sixth First: buying something from the Times Square Toys R Us.
Sorry to be so abrupt but I'm falling asleep as I type so I'm off to bed.
Thank you for reading pictures will be coming soon ( I lost my USB plug, sorry, well lost maybe too strong of a word I don't know where the heck it is in my room is more accurate)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fish, Happy Feet, Mojitos(Updated)

Once again this a short blog to be updated later. Today is my official birthday... long immigration staory wouldn't be much fun to hear lol, so I am currently under the influnece of 1.5 Mojitos, I know doesn't sound like much but I am FAR from a drinker and Im ready to drink water and go to be. So This will be updated tomorrow ! :)
Thank you all for dealing with me but hey its my 21st! Lol
First off sorry about the horrible spelling lol.
So once again I am exhausted not from mojitos this time but from my day today( the 20th).
Yesterday the kids an I went back to the aquarium and the beach.
My First for yesterday was watching the 4D Happy Feet movie that they have at the aquarium which is once again, my favorite price, FREE because I'm a member. I have seen Happy Feet before but this was my First time watching the short 4D film that they have at the aquarium. I must say that either I was really emotional yesterday or the short film really touched me because I wanted to cry at how, please don't laugh...lol, much animals go through and how much we, as humans, make them go through. Long crazy emotional moment short I am SO much more convinced that I want to help animals for the rest of my life, I'm not quite sure how yet but that will come with time;) I mean I almost wanted to completely give up meat watching the movie, which doesn't make much sense because its not like I eat penguin for lunch or anything...? lol haha (I'm laughing out loud while typing this, WOW I'm delusional tired...hahah) Sorry (still laughing).
The next first was having mojitos with my dad and one of our family friends. Nothing too exciting to tell but that they were yummy and as you read above very effective :)
My final First for the day was cutting up fish. (Why am I laughing again?! lol, there was nothing funny about that last sentence....?)
Some friends of my father's came over with fresh fish that they had just caught from a fishing trip and gave us some, my father told me to cut up the fish and I said sure! Not having the slightest clue on how to cut fish. So I did what any level headed person would do I grabbed the meat cleaver and hacked away...lol Thank goodness the fish was gutted but I did find some weird organ thing and flipped out and then I started thinking about the aquarium and how beautiful all those fish were and here I was hacking these poor little fish into unidentifiable pieces, and then I realized that people do this all the time, cut their own fish, but I live in a society were something as basic as cutting fish is rare thing to do. Wow I had too much going on yesterday lol. I also tried filleting one of the fish and thought I did a good job until I showed my dad and he looked at me like: Really? So I looked down at my fish and realized that it looked like a bear had mauled it to pieces and laughed at my "filleted" fish.
Total first for yesterday: 3
Deep thought moments: Too many to count
Thank you for reading an I will have pics up soon. Sorry I lost my USB cord and can't upload.
Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baruch Math Placement test and NYC license!!

WOW!!! today I realized that things are falling into place officially here in NYC for me. Last nights post, which I've updated since, was short because I wanted to get to bed at a deceant hour so I could be fully refreshed for my math placement test today.
I for one have always struggled with math and any type of math test freaks me out. However, I pretty much conquered this fear by the end of my two years in community college, but when I realized I had to take another math placement test, which meant if I didn't score high I would have to once again take remedial math classes -_- I was a bit nervous!
Long story short I went and took the test, which was counted as my first today!
First time taking a placement test for Baruch and the first time being at Baruch with out my daughter, yup thats right I did college campus tours with my daughter and all the other tideous deliverying of information to Baruch with her as well. Shes my bestie :)
The test was okay it had trig on it which I have never taken and think I did a rather good job guessing through most of it..lol. So I guess I know I'll be taking Trig my first semester lol.
When I got home and got my third First of the day.
MY NYC LICENSE!!!!! Now I'm official!! :) Although humidity attacked my hair the morning of my pic I think I look rather good. I'm so glad I have my license now it's not like I'm going to drive or anything but I got my license, I got my license!! Now I can stop caring my passport around :)
Well I need to get up early in the morning and work out! I've been really lazy about that lately :/
Thank you for reading!
Total First for today: 3!
My YouTube channel that includes videos from my daily First:http://www.youtube.com/user/gmalone410?feature=mhee
Dont forget to check out my other blog about my life as a teen mom a REAL one not the crap on MTV :) at:http://teenmomny.blogspot.com/
Thank you once again and
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
- Unknown

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Natural Hair

My first today had to do with my hair however my First for tomorrow is a HUGE one so I need to get to bed early tonight. So I will not be blogging tonight, sorry but I have placement test to take and PASS tomorrow at Baruch.
Thank you and have a great night sorry once again but I need to get a good nights sleep.
So yesterday was an other great rainy day(sarcasim). So I stayed inside mostly however,when the rain died down for a bit the kids and I want down to the store to get a larger container for my compost. Composting has shown me how much food scrapes I throw away in a matter of days.
Any how, when we're at the store I walked down the hair product aisle. I don't really use products in my hair and my over all additude towards my hair is: its there an I'll do something with it from time to time. I've always wanted to wear my hair "natural" and started doing so a little bit during high school but with no products and no effort I gave up, then after high school I started looking for more products and finally got the gall to just wear it no matter how big and poofy it was. Well long story short I cut my hair as you probably read before and now I'm back at square one with alot less hair... lol which is bad.
So back to yesterday... While I was in the aisle I found a carrot based deep conditoning prodcut and I've heard that carrot is realy good for conditioning hair so my first was buying a carrot based hair product. Then while I was walking out of the aisle I saw caps., like shower caps and sleeping caps, however I have never seen metalic conditioning caps.
So this made for my second First of the day. I bought the metalic conditioning cap because when using a deep conditioner you need to sit under the hair dryer and let the deep conditioner "cook" into your hair and since I don't own a hair dryer I bought the cap. On the packaging of the cap its said that the metalic cap uses your own body heat to help "cook" the conditioner in I didn't really believed it but for $0.99 why not? when I got home I applied the conditioner and put the cap on and boy does it use your own body heat! Lol I kept the conditioner in all day and night then washed it out this morning and it worked! I'm soo happy that it worked my hair feels moistureized and hydrated and the best part the cap was $0.99 cents the conditioner was $3.49! Perfect for my pocket and a cheap person like me!


Total Firt for yesterday: 2! But hopefully they continue to pay off! :)
Thank you for reading and don't forget to check out my other blog:http://teenmomny.blogspot.com/

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tuna boat thing, Amazon, Night at AMNH and Burger King

After studying a bit for my up coming placement test for Baruch, I left the house and took care of a few things. First I returned the material we checked out back to the library and returned some clothing that was both too small and too big for the kids. The original plan was to go straight to the museum but the kids were hungry and all that was around was... you probably can guess from the title... Burger King. Now I really really dislike burger king or any other fast food chain, but broke people can't be too choosey and it was either eat in the Bronx or go the the UWS, upper west side, and get a piece of bread for the price of a "meal" at Burger King. So yes althoug I am ashamed to say it today was my first time eating Burger King in NYC.
After we went to the AMNH and walked around and learned a bit we returned home and we were hungry again. So I decided to make some Tuna Boat thingys... lol. The idea came from a blog I ran across via Twitter :http://www.fitfoodlover.com/. I was reading the blog and saw this DELICIOUS lookig tuna on lettuce and decided I was going to make it some day. Well today was that day..lol. I must say I went a bit vegtable and chop happy but it was all well worth it in the end. The kids ate some as well and shocked me at how quick they gobbled it up! Veggies are always a win!

Chop Veggie happy
Tomatoe, celery, parsely, cucumber, scallions, sweet peppers and OLIVES!!

My Tuna boat thingys with 7 grain bread.
I also spread some Olive Humus before putting the tuna on the romaine lettuce and that was great!
Then my last set of first for today are:
  • Renting a movie online from. I rented from Amazon
  • Watching Night at the Museum
Although I have been to the AMNH several times I haven't seen the movie and decided I wanted to watch it with the kids. So after checking Netflix and seeing that they didn't have it available for streaming I looked up iTunes which just confused the crap out of me and then found it on Amazon :)
Total First for today: 4
Thank you for reading!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mufaro, Composting and homemade Reese's peanut butter... fail

Today was another inside day... I know I know but the weather wasn't too nice and I have little to no funds.
Feeling that I haven't really given my daughter much attention lately I decided to read her a book that I liked when I was a child, Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters. When we went to the library the other day I found a Reading Rainbow DVD!! And it was Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters.
Today was the first time I read the book to my daughter and watched Reading Rainbow for the first time in at least a decade!
The next first was me starting my first and very own COMPOST bucket/jar! Since moving to NYC I have become a lot more environmentally conscious and have been making attempts to do my part in preserving the environment. While looking for green volunteer opportunities for my daughter and I, I came across a pamphlet that has a website full of resources for new Greenies, just made it up pretty good, no? anyways, the website had information about taking compost that people make in there own homes. As I read along some more I saw that they gave information on how to compost. Now a few things that have kept me from composting before was living in FL where compost pick up or drop off locations are not plentiful and the lack of information that led to me making my own shallow conclusions.
The website, Grownyc.org, said to keep the oders to a minimum to simply place it in the fridge or freezer and keep newspaper scraps in the bottom of the container! Wow it was that simple! So I told my father that we, mostly I since I do the cleaning up, will be composting. I gabbed a jar and put my shredding on the bottom and my food scraps on top. Now its important to know what you can and can't compost and the website helped with that too.
My third and finally First for today was my HORRIBLE attempt at making homemade peanut butter cups. I have been wanting to make them for a while but never tried so I figured what they heck I have the supplies why not try it! Well... I didn't use butter which is very important, for some reason I burned the chocolate instead of melted and made too much filling. I just ended up spreading chocolate on a plate putting the peanut butter on it and putting the chocolate on it again. The result... was okay.

My hand and my homemade Peanut Butter cup fail
I will definitely try making the peanut butter cups again but follow directions and not try to cook steak at the same time, the reason my chocolate BURNED not melted lol.
Total First for today: 3
Thank you for reading!!!
And remember I'm always open to ideas!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Puppy chow, homemade popcorn and Stuart Little 3

Today was very realized and chill so I decided early on that today would be a home based First.
The kids an I had culinary firsts and a movie.
I decided to make one of mine and my sisters favorite past times Puppy Chow! We used to make puppy chow all the time and today I realized why and how we did it. Being that we were food stamp and WIC kids we would get food through these programs that were healthy and of course we got Chex. Being that we didn't want to eat healthy cereal we made it unhealthy by pouring chocolate, peanut butter, butter and powdered sugar :) and boy is it good!
This was the first time that I made puppy chow in YEARS, this doesn't count as a first, but it was the first time I made puppy chow with the kids!
The finished product

Next I made home made popcorn for the first time!!
Movies, Homemade Popcorn(with Leilani's hand) and puppy chow

It was really easy and tasted better than bagged popcorn. The good thing about homemade popcorn is you can really tailor it to your liking and individual taste. You can also play around with different seasonings like paprika, garlic salt, basil or just about anything else you can come up with.
We ate our homemade snacks while watching the not so good movie Stuart Little 3. This was also a first I had never watched the movie and after watching it I see why lol.
Remember to check out my YouTube channel with videos of my First: http://www.youtube.com/user/gmalone410?feature=mhee
Total First for today:3!
  • Home made popcorn
  • Making puppy chow with the kids
  • Watching Stuart Little 3
Thank you for reading! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Performances, Stations and Acceptance Packages

Today I went to the 92nd Street Y with the kids, of course, to watch another dance performance. Once again the performances were lovely and very enjoyable. The theme for today was Tap, Capoeria and Hop. Today wasn't the first time I had seen a performance at the 92nd street Y but it was the first time I saw Hop and Tap in person. Once again the children and I were lucky enough to sit on the floor right in front of the action. I didn't know what Hop style of dancing was but soon learned that it is basically 1920's and swing dancing-esk.
The children really enjoyed the performances as did I. There was one "couple" that I really liked they did a bit of acrobatics with their dance numbers but the other dancers were not to be undo with their expectational performances as well. While watching the dancers it really reminded me how I want to get into dance, I took a few classes as a child but there was no consistency and I really want to get back into it. I also realized as I told the kids that dance is really unique and varies from genre, culture, country and even CITY.
After we watched the wonderful performances the kids and I went over to the park on 96th street, and this was another first because I had never taken them there before. After that we caught the crosstown bus, got the one train and went grocery shopping.
On the way to the store I stopped into an African Store that also does hair braiding and got a quote for my hair. Another first! I had never been inside this store and getting a quote for African hair braiding.
On the way home the taxi driver took a whole new way home which I had never seen. This was the first time I was on this side of the Bronx and seeing where Fordham rd ended.
Then when I got home I Opened My Acceptance Package From BARUCH!
Today of first today: 7!
Thank you for reading! and remember you can watch videos from my daily first at: http://www.youtube.com/user/gmalone410?feature=mhee

May 12th first: Library

After a MUCH NEEDED good nigth sleep I woke up and went to the library to do a few things but above all get a library card!
Today was the first time I went to the library since moving back to NYC and the first time going to the Kingsbridge location and getting a library card!
The kids and I went to the library to get books and for me to print out nessacary things to finish reserving my spot for Baruch's fall semester. I felt really bad that I had no idea how to get around the library or how to do anything. LOL bad I know, but I haven't been to a REAL public library in what feels like ages!
After learning how to apply for a card, finding the kids floor and printing out my papers that I needed the kids and I left with a book and DVD for the each of us.
I must say that I was a bit over whelmed by the amount of books and information avaiable even for a smaller branch but I will def go back and really start using public libraries because they are really beneficial and FREE! All thought the mayor of NYC is trying/ will cut back the bugdet and only have the libraries open for 4 days instead of 6-7.
Tangent in 5...4...3...2...1
I am going to take this time out and express how FUSTRATING and ANNOYING it is when politicains decied to cut funding on things that will BETTER and EDUCATE the younger generations!
Libraries are often times a way to keep kids off the streets and out of negative behaviors. If you cut after school programs, libaries, music programs and so on and so on you're not only saying I don't care about "the kids" but I don't care about the future of _____ as well. Just because these programs don't give tangible results **cough** MONEY **cough** it doesn't mean they are not worth it more then often its the untagible results that are worth the most!
Ok i'm done :)

Yesterdays first: Brooklyn Bridge and Pier 17

Sorry about missing yesterday's post but blogger was down an I was unable to post.
Yesterday was very exciting! I was at a lost for what to do yesterday an as I was surfing through the web I came to the conclusion to go to the Brooklyn Bridge! I intially wanted to go to Brooklyn Bridge Park (Pier 6) but I messed up and got off the subway a few stops to early but was right by the Brooklyn Bridge. I was LOST looking for Pier 6, which is in Brooklyn not Manhattan by the way lol, so I was unable to find it but I did find Pier 17 and the "mall" that they have there it was really nice!! We saw boats on the dock and the "neighborhood" was really nice. We then walked around a bit more and went to have lunch inside the mall which had a nice view of the Brooklyn Bridge. I was still at this time trying to look for Pier 6, not knowing I was in the wrong borough, and finally gave up and decided that I was going to walk across the bridge just to do it... but I was having a hard time finding how to get on the bridge. After letting the kids play in a park while I wrote a little I finally found how to get on the bridge!
So off we went to get on the bridge!
We only got half way across the bridge because the kids were getting tired and restless. It was really nice to be on the bridge though. This was my first time ever being this close to the Brooklyn Bridge as well as walking on it. From the bridge I got a view of Manhattan, the Manhattan Bridge and another bridge that i'm not sure what it's called.
Few fun facts:
  • The bridge was erected in 1875
  • Its one of the oldest suspenion bridge in the USA
After we got off the bridge I got the kids some ice cream and went over to City Hall which had protest going on. It was people protesting Mayor Bloomberg wanting to cut funds or reduce funds that go towards education. If you read my last post you know how I feel about these type of cuts.
After a long day of walking and being lost lol We got on the subway and went home :)
Thank you for reading once again and you can check out my YouTube channel in which I upload multiple photos from my daily First adventures.
Including pictures from this First: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwXQ6gRRGsw&feature=player_profilepage

Thursday, May 12, 2011

92nd St Y classes 5-11-11

In addition to yestday's First...
Although I have been to the 92nd Street Y for several things last night was the first time that I took a class for myself there. The center was holding a Free Fitness Fair which I signed up for and was able to take a few free classes. I left the kids with my father and was off. Although I was unable to make the Yoga class :( I did do an ABsolutely Work out thing and for the first time took a Pilate's and "intro" to ballet class!!
The ab work out class was okay. It wasn't challenging enough but I did learn some new moves I can try at home. And like my sister said its good that although most everyone else in the class was "dying" I didn't find it tough it meant that I'm getting stronger :)
I have done Pilate's before but only on workout videos at home, never in a legit class so this was my first time and it was more challenging then the ab workout class. My muscles, I didn't even know I had, were BURNING and it felt GREAT :) The instructor is a ballet dancer as well and we did some, what I call, "intro" to ballet on the barre.
I have always wanted to, and still want to, take a ballet class so this was my little intro and I liked it.
I looked a little like a scarecrow with my arms and hands but I enjoyed it and will be looking into a ballet class for myself in the near future.
Over all the work out was not very challenging but it was a First and a adventure that allowed me to try new things! :)
Thank you for reading!
New blog post coming tonight for today's adventure so be sure to come back :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Madagascar and Butterflies

Today I went back to the Bronx Zoo with the kids and saw two exhibits I have never seen before. Like I said before the Bronx Zoo is huge and has lots to do.
Today I went to the Madagascar exhibit for the first time. The exhibit was actually really nice, hands on, and very informative.
We saw lemurs in action! They are really really good jumper and they quick. I can remember watching Zaboomafoo with my little brother and it made me miss him :'(
The kids really like them as well. Then we saw a Nile Crocodile and those guys are HUGE! like really massive. We kept going through the exhibit and saw different varieties of lemurs that weren't as active as the first and we also saw turtle and a Foosa, which I didn't even know was a real animal I remember hearing it in The Lion King or something...lol.
The cool thing about all these animals is that they are native to Madagascar, which if you didn't know is a small island off of the East cost of Africa that has rare animals that are only found there.
After we left the Madagascar exhibit we went over to the butterfly exhibit.
For sometime now I have been wanting to take the kids to a temporary exhibit about butterflies at the AMNH however the price is a bit steep, even with the discount, so I haven't been able to. When I heard the Bronx Zoo had a butterfly exhibit free for members I was excited and decided to take them. Let me start off by saying I'm REALLY glad I didn't pay to take them to the AMNH one because they FREAKED OUT! I thought my daughter would have really liked it since she always talking about pretty butterflies and all this but Nope she freaked! lol. She actually asked me: "Why did yo bring me here!? I want to get out of here!" After I expressed to them that I wasn't leaving because I, unlike them, was really enjoying all the free flying butterflies, I could've done with out the birds though. They finally calmed down a bit and began to look around and let me look around too. Then we was a Koi fish pond with the biggest Koi fish I have ever seen.
My first for today were nice and reminded me that I want to try and do a commitment with a wild life conservation society after graduating college.
Trying something for the first time everyday is really teaching me about myself and getting me into new things I never knew interested me so much They are also a great way to explore the city and get to know parts I would have never ventured to otherwise.
Butterfly eating a cantaloupe

Peacocks beautiful tail
Once again thank you for reading. I'm still working on my YouTube channel so check back for a link and don't forget my other blog about my teen mom experiences :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


OMG I just came back from a lecture that had both DANIEL RADCLIFFE(Harry Potter) and Jordan Roth. Both important men to the theater!
First let me say that Daniel Radcliffe is a little 5'5 cutie, with a great sense of humor and seemed really personable!
The lecture began with him walking in and the crowd going NUTS! Then he went on to talk about the new Broadway show that he is in "How to Succeed in the Business World Without Trying". A musical story about a young window washer (Radcliffe)  that uses his wit and perfect timing to climb to the top of the business world. Then he went on to talk about... omg I forget... I'm still in post shock! :)
I believe he went on to talk about Potter and how it all started and how his parents got him the audition just to do it and he got the part. He was only 10 years old when it all started and he didn't know what was really going on because his parents, rightfully so, were doing all the negotiations without him knowing. He seems like a really down to Earth guy and admitted to being horrible at school, "dropping out" (To do Equus in London) and that he really doesn't think he'll go back ..lol He also admitted that he isn't to fond of actors that are too full of themselves and don't stay grounded. Over all he seemed like the type of guy you just want to hug :)
He seems to be a very humble, humorous, down to Earth guy.
After talking about Potter he talked about how he feels about politics, LGBT community, poetry, and religion. Yup it went there. Lol
Over all it was great. And in true NYC form there was no photography allowed so I wasn't able to get a picture or steal a shot because the ushers were just too dam good lol.
At the end while he was walking off I tried to get a shot but my camera didn't take it quick enough and I got nothing! :(
I'm still really excited to have been in the same room with Daniel Radcliffe!! It was pretty amazing an I haven't been able to stop smiling!!!
I'm so glad that I started the daily First adventures and blog about it. My blogging in a way keeps me accountable and makes me keep my word to myself. While the adventures help me learn about myself and the city!
Thank you for reading!!!
I'm still "High" on Radcliffe!
But I'm tired and still have to do dishes so good night :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sit in and Cinco de Mayo Parade

Today was a wonderful day to spend with my two lovely kids!
We started the day by going to Leilani, my daughter's, dance class. We've been to her dance class before but today was the first time that we were able to SIT-IN!! Since they, NYC, doesn't really do recitals until the kids are old enough to actually put on a well rehearsed and good show. Which I actually agree with and like better. Well today we, Damien and I, got to sit in and watch her dance. She did a great job and I got to see her dance instructor in action and boy is she nice, patient and entertaining. Shes gotten a lot better since I put her in dance. She was also very serious about dance. I don't know if it was because I was in the room or what but she was very serious.
After dance class I had plans for us to go to a Cinco de Mayo parade on the west side. Which meant that we had 2 options: walk through Central Park or take the cross town bus.
Being that I'm trying things for the first time I decided to catch the bus, since I've never done this before!
It was quick and easy on the legs.
Once we got to the west side we waited... and waited... and WAITED for the parade and after an hour and a half delay the parade finally started! The weather was great and the parade was fun and very colorful. The kids enjoyed it as did I and then we were off back home.

My Dutch chocolate.. YUM!!

Cinco de Mayo dancers
Todays' First
  • Sitting in my daughter's dance class in NYC
  • Riding the cross town bus
  • Watching a Cinco de Mayo parade in NYC
  • Eating a chocolate bar from... I mean a Dutch chocolate bar...lol
More/ better YouTube video coming tomorrow
Thank you for reading!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Disney Street Games and Bats

Sorry guys tonight is going to be another short post to be updated sometime this weekend.
Today was the first time I went to a street festival put on by Disney. It was really fun and the kids got to learn how to skateboard and try pogo stick.
After that we went to Belvedere Castle and I touched and saw bats for the first time. I have had a bat encounter before but it was completely unintentional and scary!
As promised before I will Update these two blog post with more info and pictures.
Thank you for reading.
I don't know how moms with multiple children do it, I'm exhausted and I have another first tomorrow and dance classes in the morning.
Thank you for reading!
I learned about the Disney Street Games "festival" from the rec center that the kids and I visited when we volunteered in Central Park. The flyer said that the festival was free and ended at 3pm so imagine how bad I felt when we showed up at 2:20pm. I was so upset with myself I figured that the festival would be packing up and nothing would be left for the kids to try or do but I was pleasantly surprised to see the festivities were in full swing. And our time of arrival was great because it had just stopped pouring rain as we stepped off the subway. Once we got there the kids planted some seeds in their own flower pots, got tips on how to start their own gardens and a quick lesson on the importance of veggies!Then we played corn hole, which I don't see the purpose of, hula hooped and bounced on the big over sized balls with handles on them. After that we got to do the "real stuff". They both tried pogo stick for the first time and this was when I realized that pogo sticks are a bit trickier then they appear to be. After not being able to make it work for them the kids gave up and went over to learn how to skateboard. They loved it and were really good at it for learning for the first time too! I was shocked that Leilani, my daughter, even tried it. By the end of there little lesson the instructor was trying to teach them how to do a trick! After the festival we still had the bat lecture/ show to go to in Central Park.

    Skater dude!
    Skater Chick!
  • The festival was the first Disney festival that I attended.
  • The first time I went to the Thomas Jefferson Rec center
    • which was really nice by the way :)
  • The first time I went over to 1st ave
  • And led to the first time of me riding the #15 bus
One thing about me is that I don't really like riding buses, maybe it comes from having to ride one 9 months pregnant in high school... lol, but I'm learning how to ride the bus and that they can actually be quite convenient and useful.
After getting off the #15 bus we went over to Central Park and this was the first time that I had been inside the little boat house near the Conservatory where people sail their model boats. After eating our lunch it was off to the bat lecture.

    Inside the boat house

    Stellaluna and the gang
  • This was the first time I had even been that close to a bat and touched one!!! eeekk! I know.
  • The first bat lecture I ever attended and I was actually interested!
    • Did you know bats are mammals, can live to be 34 and only three types are blood suckers!?
      • :)
The kids also got to touch the bats and enjoyed themselves but we had to leave before the end because the kids were restless, my butt was hurting from the concrete stairs and the weather was getting cooler and we didn't have jackets.
Last night was also the first time I ordered a Sicilian pizza. BIG MISTAKE! I thought like most people probably do that Sicilian means loaded with meat. Right?! NO!! Sicilian is a HUGE piece of dough and A LOT of cheese on it. I mean my arm literally hurt from carrying that huge thing. Last nights dinner was a huge fail. Lol we literally had cheese and bread for dinner.. yumm... NOT. :) lol oo0o0 well you live and you learn.
Once again thank you for reading! And I will be putting up more pictures and videos on my YouTube channel. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cinco De Mayo "Festival" and CMOM

My post tonight is going to be very quick and brief. However, I will update this post tomorrow. I just didnt want to skip a day of blogging and miss the date.
Today I went to my first Cinco De Mayo festival which was by Grand Central Terminal. In short the festival was not at all festive. Even the kids asked when we were going to the festival when we were at it..lol
Then today was my first time taking my daughter and nephew to The Children's Museum of Manhattan and today since it was the first Friday of the month we got in for FREE!!! Which meant this was the first time I ever went to CMOM for free!
That is about it...
So now that I have slept I can blog.
The Cinco De Mayo festival was a big fail. Upon getting to the "festival" all I saw was 10 tents.
2 taco/Mexican food vendors
1 gyro food vendor
1 grilled corn stand(YUM!)
and the rest were pashmina stands.
The kids got some Mexican food while I opted for a grilled corn, which was really good, because I love corn and who can pass up corn on a stick that's GRILLED? :)We got some free samples of lemonade and orange juice and were off. Before getting back on the subway at Grand Central I got the kids Mr. Softee!
-This was the first time I got my nephew Mr. Softee and also the first time I had been to Grand Central with both kids and I was alone.

Mr. Softee to make up for the un-festive festival
I then rode down to Mid town to get my eyebrows done for FREE!! Because of my loyal customer card!
-First time getting my eyebrows done for free in NYC
Then like I said above we went over to the Children's Museum of Manhattan for FREE first Friday!
-First time bringing my nephew and getting in for FREE!
The kids really loved the museum which has exhibits about Dora and Diego helping animals and Dora's dance party.

Diego's Animal Rescue Center
Me talking about helping the Earth is really paying off because the kids were more interested in Diego's animal rescue center then Dora's  party! They got to look at animal X-rays and see pictures of rare animals too. The museum also had a few new things since the last time my daughter an I went to so we checked them out and learned that Curious George will be coming to the museum in June, which my daughter will love to see since she plays with Curious on PBS kids.
After the long day we went over to the Heights for dinner with my father.
As always it was a great day! Busy and tiring but great.
Thank you for reading!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Central Park clean up and playing

What a great day a bit winding but nice over all!
I have been looking for volunteer opportunities that children can do with their parents since I've become a parent and I finally found one that didn't need you to commit days or hours. Central Park has a pitch in and pick up program program. The "program" allows anyone to go into any other the various visitor centers in Central Park and tell them that you want to pick up garbage and they give you a bag, gloves and a picker stick thingy... Then you are at liberty to pick up garbage around the park.
So this morning I woke up and decided this would be my first for today.
Pick up trash in Central Park. It was also a way to have the kids get involved in helping the environment and they would learn along the way.
The kids an I went to the center and got the equipment and picked up garbage around the area we were in. I'm not going to lie it felt "weird" at first walking around the park in bright blue latex gloves. I almost looked like I was in a work release program minus the bright orange jumper and the fact that  I had two kids with me. However, after a while it was nice to know that I was helping clean up an area, the park, that I love to spend time in.
After we were done "cleaning up" we went back to the visitor center and this was when I noticed it doubled as a recreation center! The lady inside was very nice and even gave the kids two certificates for "cleaning up" the park. We then checked out some sporting equipment for free! and played around the rec center.
This was another first for today. This was the first time I had been to this Recreation Center and the first time I checked out sporting equipment from it AND today was the first time I taught the kids to how to jump jump rope.

Doing their part

Scoping out the area

A job well done
Overall today was another wonderful day full of first.
Total first today: 4!!
Its crazy how one little first can lead to so many more :)
Remember to do your part to help the Earth and your immediate environment, every little bit counts. And volunteer even if its not for the environment, volunteer because it can be a great way to see new things, meet new people and its rewarding. I mean when people asked you what you did today you could say: I helped pick up garbage in the____ or I fed the homeless or I taught a kid how to ____, how awesome is that?
As all ways thank you for reading and don't for get my other blog: http://teenmomny.blogspot.com/.
I'm still working on my YouTube channel and uploading videos but thank you to all of you that have checked it out and if you haven't the link is: http://www.youtube.com/user/gmalone410?feature=mhum

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Freedom Tower

Today my first came early. This was due to weather, traffic and having the kids with me.
I had some business to take care of this morning down by the World Trade Center neighborhood. This was the first time I saw the beginning signs of the Freedom Tower. This was also the first time that I went down to that neighborhood since moving back to NYC. There were so many news vans down there,I figured that it was because of the recent news but then I  found out that  President Obama will be at the Freedom Tower site tomorrow! I'm still toying with the idea of going down there but I don't know yet because everybody and their mother will be down there an I don't think it'll be a good idea with two young children but we'll see!
I know I know not to exciting of a first but I was emotional being down at the WTC location. I've been there since the 9-11 attacks but it kind depressing to be in a place of so much hurt, grief and chaos and just walk by like its just another construction zone. Its sad that life is so dispensable. Next to celebrity deaths the deaths of the 9-11 victims are one of the most publicized world wide and yet life goes on.

Construction at the Freedom Tower

Construction at the Freedom Tower sight
I'm still working on my YouTube channel and uploading new videos and photo slid shows. I hope the weather is better tomorrow so I can do something more.
Well that's all for now :)
Thank you for reading  and don't forget my other blog: http://teenmomny.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Youtube upload

Like most people I use Youtube everyday of my life an I also have a Youtube account however, I have never uploaded to Youtube before.

I've been going on all these great First Time "adventures" and often times video taping a lot of what I do and or see Unfortunately it takes very long for a video to upload to my blog and its almost impossible to put two videos on one blog. So after thinking about it I decided that I would finally actually use my YouTube account and upload videos of my adventures.
So today was the first time that I uploaded a video to YouTube.
I was shocked at how easy it is/ was. For those who know me they know that I'm not a very computer savvy person, I barely knew how to use and iPhone or "i" anything until not to long ago..lol I know I know that pretty bad but I just didn't get "it", technology.
So to see how easy it was to upload was nice!
Its also good because it allows you, the readers, to see more of my First Time "Adventures"!
I will put the link in here tomorrow to my video, unfortunately it takes a little bit longer than I thought, I don't know if its my computer or just the process, but I have to get up early tomorrow and be some where. So I'm going to cheat a little and let the video upload while I get off to dream land.
The Video:
Thank you so much for reading!
Don't for get my other blog: Teenmomny.blogspot.com. Where you can read about my DAUGHTER LOSING HER FIRST TEETH( Yes more than one)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ice Cream and Teeth

Today I stayed inside most of the day it was a bit chilly out and I had a lot of phone calls to make, plus taking a "break" is nice once in a while.
Today I made homemade ice cream for the first time ever!
It was a lot of shaking basically and considering I made 2 1/2 batches, 1 for each child and 1/2 one for me because it didn't turn out right, I think I burned more than enough calories :)
Making homemade ice cream is something that I've wanted to do since I was a kid and I finally found out how to do it and did it! The process is really easy and I just used Youtube and How Cast to instruct me on where to get started.
The only things you need are:
  • Plastic bags(2)
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Ice
  • Salt
  • any flavor that you want to add
After combining some of the ingredients you shake for what feels like FOREVER and then enjoy!
The ice cream batches that I made for the kids came out great but mine, strawberry, didn't come out too well. I think its because I doubled the ingredients and was tired and my arms hurt from all the shaking. Instead I settled for an authentic shake, since I shook it, with cut up strawberrys in it and it was actually really good.

My home made vanilla ice cream !
My next first for the day was pulling someones tooth it. My daughters!
My daughter, whom you can read about in my other blog:teenmomny.blogspot.com, has had loose teeth for a couple moths now and today while she was speaking to me I noticed that he teeth were laying on her lip they were so loose. The two bottom teethe were literally hanging on by a vein. I asked her if she was ready to have them taken out and she said yes. After showing everyone in the house her loose teeth and after several tears I pulled out her two front lower teeth!
It was sooo weird pulling someones teeth out and being that shes my little girl it was emotional.
I know I sound corny but if you're a parent you know what I mean an if your not maybe one day you will :)
My first for today!
Home made ice cream and pulling out teeth!
Thank you again for reading check out my other blog and if you have any ideas please share I would love to try anything.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Queens Zoo

Today was my first time really going to Queens. I had been to Queens before but I was younger and just stayed at a friends house and then left. If you still don't count that as my first then today was also the first time I had been to the Queens Zoo.
After taking my daughter to her ballet classes we headed over to the Queens Zoo, which is another long subway ride away. On our way to the zoo on the subway I saw part of the Manhattan skyline for the first time from Queens. When we go to our stop I quickly learned that the area of Queens the zoo is in has a large Mexican population. We got off the subway and began walking to the zoo which was more than a few blocks away. There were tacos trucks on the side of the road, numerous street vendors and food carts. It was really cool, the colors of the food the flags and jugs full of juice for sale were really cool to look at. I almost felt as if I wasn't even in New York City anymore. When we go to the zoo I was a bit disappointed at the small size of the zoo an my ankle weights were killing me! We walked around the zoo and saw, I'm not kidding, like 6 animals. Afterwards we went over to Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Which today was the perfect day to go because some of the World's Fair were held in this very park and since today is the 160th anniversary  the first worlds fair. The park was full of families, mostly Mexican, enjoying the great weather and being with friends and family. Once again there were small barbeque's where women were cooking and selling shish kabobs, juice, water and various traditional Mexican snacks and foods.
It was nice to sit back and let the kids play and watch other families and this small, for lack of better phrasing, culture in front of me. Families playing, vendors selling, the zoo in the background and the wonderful weather to complete the wonderful Sunday. There were various different people from different cultural backgrounds all together here in a predominately Mexican park enjoying themselves and not looking uncomfortable or "put off" at all.
My first for today:
  • "Going to Queens"
  • Learning that some of the World's Fair were held in Flushings Meadow park and going there
  • Going to the Queens Zoo
  • Manhattan in the background with Biggie
    A huge bunny atthe zoo
    The park full of families and Sunday fun
  • Seeing part of the Manhattan skyline from Queens