Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bronx Museum of Art and Times Square

Today was a GREAT day !!
The kids an I went grocery shopping this afternoon, which was a first for me, taking the both of them alone.
After that we came home eat and surprisingly we all fell asleep for a little afternoon nap! It felt great to take a little nap with my daughter and have my nephew there as well, I can't remember the last time that happened.
After our relaxing nap I planned to go to a museum but wasn't quite sure which one to go to. Since day light was running out and I had promised the two kids we would go down to Times Square today I decided to go to the Bronx Museum of Art (which was FREE!).
Boy am I glad we went there!
On exhibit they had pieces from Renee Cox, Elizabeth Catlett among other great artist. These two women are great contemporary artist that I had been introduced to in my African American Hummanities class. It was wonderful to finally see the pieces that were once on Power Point in person! I did have the two kids with me so I wasn't able to fully process all the pieces but was very impressed and surprised these works of art were right in my back yard.
The next exhibit we went to was one put on by kids from the neighborhood. They had walked around the neighborhood and picked up pieces of litter that "spoke" to them then they constructed little pieces of art with the discarded items. I seized this opportunity to talk to the kids about how anything can be art and that even kids their age are artist and that they too are artist.


Up close

Gallery View
I was very interesting to see how the children used these discarded pieces to create art, something personal and something to be proud of all in one.
Before we left the museum I found out there was a panel discussion taking place and since I had the two kids with me I decided not to go. However, when I found out that both Cox and Catlett were there I turned right back around and went upstairs to the discussion. Unfortunately my timing was bad because the discussion was over but I did get to see Renee Cox, Sanford Biggers, and Xavier Simmons. Catlett was unable to attend but to be in the same room with these artist was enough and had to be because my camera was refusing to turn on!! :( The fact that my camera wouldn't turn on really bummed me out but at least I have the memory, which I'll keep forever and the art I can still go back and look at.
As we were leaving my daughter made me so proud. She told me she didn't want to leave the museum and that she really enjoyed the art and wanted to see more! This made me so happy and proud! Its like all the things I've been trying to get her to appreciate shes doing all on her own!
After leaving the museum we went down to Times Square to look for Spider Man. Now this wasn't anyone first time in Times Square but this was the first time I took my daughter and nephew alone! If you've ever been to Times Square you know the place is packed and can be quite overwhelming, for these reasons I was a bit apprehensive to take the both of them alone, but everything turned out great! We even got to pictures by the red stairs and got to sit on them.
The kids listened very well and I managed to get a few pictures out of my camera before it died yet again! ( I'm charging that thing while I type)

Times Square

The Red Stairs
Since Spider Man was no where to be found. I took the kids to Toys R Us in hopes that they would have a Spider Man mascot. Once again no Spidey so we walked around a bit saw Barbie's House, Candy Land and a T-Rex which was the first time I had seen any of these things in Toys R Us.
After that we left Times Square, vowing to come back to find Spidey, and met my father for dinner in the Heights!
Today was a great, easy going day! It made me fall in love with the city even more and confirmed what I already knew that NYC is and has been good to me. It also taught me to charge my camera daily, I'm so bummed I didn't get pictures of the artist!
Total Fist for today: 7!
Thank you for reading once again!
If you have any suggestions on what I should do next I would love to know!
Don't forget my other blog:

Thursday, April 28, 2011


First I would like to apologize for the lack of length but im exhausted!
Today I spent various hours online researching and getting things done.
These were a few of my first:
Learning how to make money online
Learning how to utilize Internet tools to bring more traffic to my blog.
Learning about e-books
Emailing Baruch and asking them what I need to do next in the admissions process
Finding jobs that are online an I can do and still spend time with my daughter
Finding out some of the museums here in NYC are free all the time or have windows of time that are free.
Once again sorry its so short and boring.
Thank You for reading I promise tomorrow will be funner :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Conservatory Garden

Toady  I left the house, kids in towe, with the idea of watching a presentation at the AMNH. However, when I got there I learned it wasn't free for members so I instead opted for a FREE and NEW exhibit about the worlds largest dinosaur, appropriately named: "The World's Largest Dinosaur. It was pretty amazing to see how big the bones were and how much food the Sauropod consumed in one day. This dinosaurs neck was 30 feet long and measured 160 ft head to tail.At the end of the exhibit there was a digging pit that they kids dug in to find fossils.
After that we had lunch in the African Mammals Hall and went across the street to Central Park. We walked around a bit and started getting hungry so we stopped and had another lunch at a restaurant off of Madison Ave and had some food.
I had fish tacos for the first time! They weren't any good an I'm sure my sister Leysis can make me a better and cheaper batch :)

Then we made our way over to the Conservatory Garden in Central Park on 104th street. I taught the kids the art of rolling down a hill, which we all enjoyed and then for some reason I had an urge to take my shoes off. So I did. I asked the kids to join me and at first they looked at me as if I was crazy and then agreed. It was nice to just lay in the park barefooted and have real grass underneath me and the sun and wind blanketing me. This was the first time I ever took my shoes off in Central Park an it was delicious. After relaxing in the grass and watching the kids play frisbee we were off to the Garden. This was the first time that I went to the garden and although I think its too small it was very nice and peacefull. The flowers were beautiful and the kids enjoyed it too.

My barefeet in Central Park



Tulips ;)

Today was also the first day that I walked from 81st street across the park and up to 125th street! All together I walked a minimum of 3 miles with out trying :) And the kids did an great job of keeping up :)
So today's first total up to: 6! and we still go home at a decent time!
Thank you for reading!
Don't forget my other blog.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Bronx Zoo and Sistah Souljah

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, I was EXHAUSTED, running around the city is tiring in its self but doing it with two toddlers is WOW!
Any how yesterday I went to the Bronx Zoo for what felt was the first time. Again I lived in the Bronx before so the school would take us on field trips but I don't really remember going and we certainly never saw that much of the zoo. But if you're still thinking that doesn't count then yesterday was the first time I took my daughter and nephew to the Bronx Zoo :)
I loved it! I never knew how big the zoo was and how many animlas it had. Going to all these zoos and aquariums makes me want to volunteer or work some time during school or after graduation with an environmental group. We saw giraffes, lions, tigers, and a bunch more animals.
Yesterday was also the first time I ever saw a Polar Bear dive into water and swim. Again I am so blown away by how graceful an animal so large can be in the water. I mean I'm no were close to being that graceful in the water, in fact I almost always look as if im
The next first was seeing a film in 4D! The zoo has a theater and they have a short Dora and Diego film about the rain forest and being kind to animals and since I am a memember we are able to enjoy it for free! Like I said before this was the first time I had ever experienced a film in 4D and didn't know what to expect. I guess the 4D is incorporating your senses because the seats would move and vibrate, bubbles were blowing and they even had a "rain forest" scent being pumped into the theater. Over all it was fun and nice and I enjoyed it.
The next first was riding the bug carousel inside the zoo.
After leaving the Zoo we got on a city bus that I had never ridden before and was pretty proud of myself becuase for the first time I felt like I knew what I was doing when it came to riding the bus! :) Yeah for me.
After that we got some lunch at a nice grocery store and were off to H&M in Manhattan.
This was another first! Taking both kids to H&M by myself.
After H&M we went over to Barnes and Noble and was shocked to find out the Author Sister Souljah was there doing a book sigining. I was excited and really wanted to get my sister a signed copy of her favorite book, but I failed :( After waiting 2 hours with two kids and empty stomachs I had to call it quits. The line was barely moving and I still had to get on the subway home and cook dinner. However, that was the first time I saw Sister Souljah!
Once again another adventure and thank you for reading!
Come back later to read my adventure for today!
(Pics coming later)
and dont forget my other blog.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wonderful weather calls for a PICNIC!

Once again I took on something new today!
The weather today was great! I mean NO jacket/sweater, gloves or scarves nessacary, Just shorts
(with leggings underneath) and a tshirt! The original plan was to head over to Queens, but becuase of construction the ride would have been just as long as the Aquarium trip so I decided not to go.
So off to Central Park we went. I packed us a lunch and we had an impromptu picnic on the rocks in Central Park with live Mexican folk music in the background.
I had never had a picnic in Central Park so that was a first, of many I am sure :)
We ate our lunch under a beautiful Cherry Blossom tree. The kids ran around a bit and gave me the chance to finish the book I was reading.
This book was the second book I had read by the author, Robert Rosen, but this was the FIRST John Lennon book I had ever read and boy was it AWESOME! A must read for any John Lennon fan or just a great read in itself. The book really got me think about how people can be so hurt and hollow inside and appear perfectly zen and calm on the outside. This book has something that sets it apart from other books about John Lennon, even though I haven't read any, becuase the author actually READ and SAW John Lennon's diarys. So what is in the book is what John himself was feeling and going through. Its eerie how different he was to the outside world and to "his" world. And how people can almost just float through life and not really stop an enjoy it.
Well I have to get off to bed its getting late!
Good Night and thank you for reading.
Sorry todays adventure wasn't too exciting, but daily adventure with two toddlers can really tire you out.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

WOW what a day!

Today I had ALOT of first!
The weather was horrible but I didn't want a little weather stop me from embarking on a new adventure, so off to the New York Aquarium the kids an I went.
The subway ride was LONG! I mean a hour an a half. This was the longest I had ever spent on the subway, so that was a first. Then the aquarium is the last stop on the D and F train, so that was another first riding these subways the farthest I ever had, all the way to the end.
The aquarium is right next to the beach so that was ANOTHER first seeing the beach in NYC. Oh and did I mention that the aquarium is right next to Coney Island so this was the first time I had seen the world famous Coney Island! Even though I lived in NYC before I was younger and had never seen any of these things. So I was excited! And fell in deeper love with the city! Here I was in NYC, Brooklyn to be exact, on the beach, next to Coney Island and about to see sea animals at the NYC Aquarium! It doesn't get more diverse and better than that!
We walked inside the Aquarium and saw Beautiful fish and coral reefs. I was blown away and so were the kids.
Next we saw a Sea Lion show that was short, sweet and very entertaining! The Sea Lion actually went right up the us and barked in our face! Pretty cool stuff! Then, in honor of the Aquarium opening a new hall they had cultural dance shows.
The children and I saw Brazilian Samba,  Afro-Brazilian dance and Capoeira for the very first time. Another first! I have been interested in seeing all of these types of dance especially Capoeira so that was a nice FREE treat! We saw many more animals but perhaps the ones that I liked a lot were the Sea Turtle which was truly breathe taking, the Jelly Fish which really are alien-like in there structure and movement and the Walrus which is LOUD and HUGE. A Walrus can weigh as much as 5k pounds! It amazes me that something so big can move so gracefully AND float! The size that some animals can row to be is truly mind boggling, I saw a HUGE Sting Ray and the Sea Turtle was an impressive size as well. After seeing all the animals we hit up the gift shops before leaving to walk on the boardwalk and the pier. Which was another first for me, walking on the board walk and pier in NYC!
WOW that was eight first, in one day!
After sometime was got on the subway and rode the train back home.
Overall today was amazing and so much fun! I will definitely be going back to the aquarium again in the near future. Of course you can't go to the aquarium and not feel a little environmental afterwards, so here's my moment for today:) Remember that as humans we put a huge emphasis on the Ocean and don't realize how much we affect the whole "circle of life" because of our own selfishness and foolish mistakes. So remember to love the planet and it will love you back and a little changed can change the world! :) I totally fell in love with Sea Turtles today :)Okay I'm done
Sting Ray in coral reef

Sea Turtle

Beach with Coney Island in the background

Pier in NYC
                                                                  A bit of Capoeira

Often times we forget to take out time a fully enjoy all the things in this world. A simple trip to the zoo or aquarium can really be a treat to yourself and help you stay grounded by showing you there are things in life bigger than you!
Thank you for reading! Don't forget my other blog and to look me up on Twitter ( I need help with it... lol)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Twitter and Mail

Today I stayed in all day. It was too cold to go outside and the kids said they wanted to stay in as well. I did leave briefly, with the kids, to get some food at the fish market and local grocery store.
However, my first first for today is getting a Twitter account. I finally signed up for one and so far I think my Twitter name is Gloria Malone, I have one follower and no clue what I'm doing on there. :)
I'm going to continue to read and play around a bit until I get it right and figured out.
The second first for today was opening my first piece of mail from the school I was just accepted o Baruch. It's kind of petty but really exciting for me! I really wanted to get into Baruch and now that I'm in it feels good to get mail from them, it makes it more official, to me at least. ;)
The mail was from the financial aid department and they advised me that my tuition is going to be the equivalent of a teacher's salary.
This discovery led me to my third first of the day, applying for scholarships. I had never applied for a scholarship up to this point and was shocked to see how painless it can be to find scholarships and apply. Some require you to write an essay, while others just require you to use your creativity. There are numerous out there you just have to make sure that you use a reliable website and apply for real scholarships.
I'm a little upset today wasn't more adventurous, but even "small" first can make a world of a difference. Now its time to cuddle in bed with the kids and watch a movie!
Thank you once again for reading!
Don't forget to check out my other blog about my life as a teenage mother and the ups and downs that come with it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kites in Central Park

Today I woke up knowing what adventure i wanted to embark on but the kids had their own set of plans.
Today the weather was WINDY! and they had been wanting to fly their kites for quite sometime now. So with the weather ideal for flying kites off we went to the the park.
We went all the way down to 59th street because I wanted to see if the Central Park Carousel was open.
Once we got off the train we went to the park and played for a bit and then I saw the carousel was open! Yeah another first for the day!
I got three tickets and we hopped on the carousel for a ride. The ride was well worth the $2.50 because you actually went around it more then two times, unlike other carousels.
After we got off the carousel we walked over to an open lawn and flew our kites.
This was another first for today I had never flown kites in Central Park before.
The weather was a bit too windy because the kites got whipped around a bit. I must say my daughter is really god at flying kites her kite probably fell only twice!

Once again another adventure on a great day with great company.
Thank you for reading and don't forget my other blog:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Castles, Caricatures and poop?

Today I was struggling with a first and the weather was going to be horrible so I looked online for something new I could try. Since my financial situation is not ideal I was looking for something FREE :). Being that my family an I are members of the zoo and American Museum of History I checked both websites. I came across a free exhibit about the largest dinosaur at the museum and decided to go.
   Upon getting to the museum I saw it was PACKED, HORRIBLY packed! I asked the kids of they would rather go across the street to Central Park. I figured once it started raining we could leave the park and hop on a subway home. They agreed that there were too many people in the museum so off to the park we went.
  They played on the rocks a bit and then something told me to go to the Belvedere Castle so off we went, although I had been there before so this wouldn't count as a first. When we got to the top of the hill I was shocked to see the castle was open! I had been wanting to go inside for a while but every time I would go it would be closed.
SCORE! A first for today!
   We went inside the castle and it was really quaint and nice. The castle was built in 1869 and was restored in 1983. The castle is also the official place that records the temperature in Central Park, which I didn't know. The weather showed no signs of getting worse so we stayed in the park and I got the kids some ice cream. The lawns in Central Park are beginning to open up so the kids and I sat down on the grass and ate our ice creams. One thing I love to do is sit or lay in the park and just relax and sometimes even sneak in a quick nap! With the coming of Spring the lawns opening up these things are becoming a reality to me. The weather was so nice that we took off our jackets and ran around a bit and played tag.
  We then ran into a gentleman that was doing free caricatures in the park and I got one for Leilani and Damien. Another first! My first time getting my daughter and nephew their caricatures done!
  The last first doesn't really count but it was the first time in a LONG time that I stepped in poop! EW! I know.
  Then my day got a hell of a lot better when I found out I got in to my top choice school and one of the best business schools in he US, Baruch! This isn't the first university I got into but its the ONE I really wanted to go to. To find out more about that you can head over to my other blog:
Thank you so much for reading and
The Castle

View from the top. Lovely weather!
Check out my YouTube channel that has more pictures and videos from my other daily First adventures:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Homemade PIZZA

Tonight was the first time I made home made pizza from "scratch."
Yesterday when we went grocery shopping I saw pizza dough and all the ingredients to make pizza. I thought: Hey, why not? I'm trying new things and the kids will really enjoy it too!
So I bought all of the ingredients: multi-grain dough, pizza sauce, shredded cheese and pepperoni.
Even though I made chicken and rice earlier today and have plenty of left-overs I decided we were going to make pizza tonight anyways.
After going down stairs to buy an aluminum cookie sheet, because my father doesn't have one and I keep forgetting to get one, we came upstairs an I told the kids that they were going to help me make dinner tonight and that we were going to use our hands.
They were excited!
Once again I didn't let them know what we were going to make a pizza because it was a SURPRISE!
We began flattening the pizza dough which is A LOT harder than it seems I mean a
Then we piled the toppings on and put the pizzas in the oven after we of course made smiley faces with the olives that they wanted to add :)
It only took about 15-20 minutes for the pizza to be done. I then let the pizza cool down and cut it into pieces. I didn't eat that much because I had a great work out earlier and didnt want to ruin it. ( I know I sound ridiculous, but hey summers around the corner)
The pizza was really good and I will definitely be making home made pizza again and try different combination.
Maybe chicken, spinach and tomato. o0o00o or maybe a seafood pizza? Yeah that sounds yummy, seafood pizza.
The aluminum cookie sheets actually worked out better because we ate off of them and it saved my from having to clean dishes!
To see more pictures of our home-made pizza check out my other blog:
Once agian thank you for reading. I would love your feedback and any ideas on what I should try next :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Zoo and ankle weights

   Today was my first time taking my nephew Damien to the Central Park Zoo and a few other first!
My firsts today were:
  • Taking my daughter to a petting/feeding zoo as well as my nephew
  • First time getting my daughter and nephew their faces painted
  • First time eating gorgonzola and sun dried tomato ravioli
  • Grocery shopping at Whole Foods
  • Wearing ankle weights around NYC
Today we went to the Central Park Zoo and the childrens zoo, which is basically a petting/feeding zoo.
We walked around the Central Park Zoo for a while and while we were there the snow leopard killed a squirrel and was carrying the dead body around in its mouth. So that was definitely a first for me! Seeing the circle of life live and in person! The snow leopard was removed from view by some of the zoo keepers though, I guess it would be too much for some kids to see?
After we left the big zoo we went over to the children's zoo, the petting and feeding zoo. This was the first time feeding a sheep, alpaca and I think it was a goat...? But it was definitely my daughter and nephews first time. My daughter was afraid at first but my nephew dove right in as usual and fed the animals. After some talking my daughter finally fed the animals and pet them too! However she wanted to leave because "The animals got my hands all dirty and I need to wash them."
We washed our hands and then got their faces painted. My nephew got Spider Man and my daughter got the same but with pink and purple instead of red and black as well as balloons.

After all the zoo and face painting excitement we walked to Whole Foods.
Today was the first time I went grocery shopping at Whole Foods! People say that its really expensive but I think that they aren't that more expensive then your average store. Plus the products that you are getting are good for you and your health. I also liked that they had a plethora of diverse products for all type of taste pallets and trying new recipes. They even offer FREE cooking classes, which I hope to try and blog about in the near future. :)
I also failed to mention that I wore my ankle weights ALL day which was a challenge but it will be well worth it in the end!
Once again the day was wonderful!! As was dinner, grogonzola and sun dried tomatoe ravioli with a delicious salad and a few fresh olives! Which was another first !

Central Park Zoo Penguin
To see photos of our zoo day check out my other blog:
Once again Thank you for reading !

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Photo Shoot!

Oh my goodness was today a day of epic first!
I'm so excited to share it with you all! :)
Today was my first time ever getting my make up professionally done, a professional photo shoot, and getting MAC make up!
Let me start from the beginning.
About a week and a half ago my sisters(Raven and Lily) and I were at my house bored and getting into a little bit of you typical sister fun and conversations. I had been wanting to cut my hair REALLY short for the longest and some how out of no where I had the courage to follow through. After talking to my sisters I looked up a few salons here in NYC and booked an appointment. My sister Raven wasn't too thrilled about the idea of me cutting my hair off but my other two sisters were all for it. The next day we were all on the subway to Wellington Hair Spa. Upon arrival i was a bit overwhelmed since i never get my hair done let alone cut a lot of it off but i was very excited! I was greeted by the salon owner Patrick and after a wash and condition I was in the stylist chair. I explained to Moet, the stylist, that I wanted something different and was even willing to get a pixie cut. After we spoke about the different things we can do we agreed on a graduated bob and then we could go shorter if I/ we wanted to. After she was finished I was in love!! My hair was gorgeous. The salon owner and Moet unformed that they would possibly like to use me as a model and if I would fill out an info card, I did and thought nothing of it.
However, they called a few days later me and informed me that they were having a photo shoot and wanted to use me if I was available, of course I was!
        This morning I arrived at the salon and got my hair done once again by the talented Moet and was off to makeup, real professional make up! I got my make up done by a gentleman and received some free MAC make up as well! After make up I was off to the shoot! I was once again a bit intimated to get in front of the camera but even more so when I had to sign release forms for my pictures to appear in Sophisticate's Black Hair Magazine! I was so surprised!! Not only was it my first shoot but also a chance or the reality of being in a magazine! I never really thought I could be in a magazine so that was and still is pretty cool!
The photographer Keston Duke was really nice, patient, fun to work with and had a great eye for detail. He helped me with direction and jokes to help loosen me up after the shoot I had the chance to look at the film and was pleasantly surprised! He did a great job.
My day was wonderful and so much fun.

So far I would say my hair cut is REALLY working out for me :)
BTW all of the talented artist can be found one Fb as well as the salon.
Once again thank you so much for reading.
Stayed tuned for my next first!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Performance at 92nd Street and Chop sticks

Today was the first time that I went to a performance at the 92nd street Y. I have been there before, but this was the first performance I have been able to see there. I took both my daughter and my nephew, since he will be staying with me for a month, to the performance. We arrived right before the performance began and took our seats on the floor,front row, just where i wanted to be. As many people I like to be up close when I watch the performing arts but I also wanted the children to get a front row view so they could see up close all that goes into dancing and performing.I think that the arts are a fundamental part of life and childhood. I was graciously exposed to the arts at a young age and have been in love ever since, so not only was this my first time watching a performance at the 92nd street Y but it was the first performance the children had seen.
Unfortunately photography was prohibited, so I have no photos but the performance was wonderful. There was a total of five performances and one that was especially wonderful. A solo by a young man that, to me, bought Salvador Dali's art work to life. The young man was dancing to spoken word. The movement and the words blended so well together that you could not only see and hear but also feel the story and the message.
The children enjoyed the show and even tried dancing like the dancers shortly after we left.

The 2nd first of today was my daughter's first time using, or trying to use would be more accurate, chop sticks. She has seen other people including family use chop sticks and after seeing them be used in a movie again she insisted that we go out for dinner that consisted of her getting and using chop sticks.
For her first time she did very well and the waiter was pretty impressed himself! My nephew has used chop sticks before so he tried to show her how to use them. Over all it was another wonderful day in the city. Good weather, good company and another everyday adventure!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Central Park and Bowl Bath

       As promised I want to try something new everyday for a year and write about.
Yesterday was the first time I took my nephew and daughter to Central Park alone.
All of us had been to Central Park several times before but this is was also the first time that we went to 103st park.
The park was wonderful. The weather was great and in true New York City spirit there were drummers drumming in the distance.
We walked around the park a bit before both the kids told me they were hungry then Irealized I was too.

The second first came later on that day.
We had gotten back home and it was time to take a shower. I put my daughter in the shower and soon after she called for me. I walked into the bathroom and asked her what was wrong. She explained to me that the shower water wasn't getting any warmer, I felt the water and realized that it was extremely cold. Being that she was in the park all day I had to give her a shower but I couldn't wash her with such cold water. I reverted back to my "roots" and heated water up on the stove cooled it down with some cool water and gave my daughter a bath out of a kitchen mixing bowl. It was then my nephews turn, because they both needed baths. My nephew thought the entire process was the funniest thing he had ever been a part of. It was then that I realized this was the first time they had ever experienced this and it was the first time I had bathed my daughter and nephew out of a kitchen mixing bowl. (You can read more about the bowl bath, adventures with my daughter in nyc as a teen mom and other things I realized in my other blog : )

Talk about being green :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My First Post

This is my first ever blog post as well as my first blog!
I'm very excited!
I have dedicated this year to me and doing things for the first time. Last year was one of the most trying years of my life and a lot has changed since then. Earlier this year I read a quote that really stuck with me: "When was the last time you did something for the first time?"  I decided then that I wanted to try and do new things all this year. I want to document all my first no matter how LARGE or small they my seem.
A few things that I have done for the first time this year:
-Went to Spain, which was the first time I had been to Europe.
-- Which ment that everything I did in Spain was the first time I did it in Spain :)
-Went to the Central Park Zoo
-Got my first offical "big girl" hair cut
-Applied for Universities
-Went on campus tours for the Universities I had applied to
-1.1.11 Marks my first new year in New York
-Doing my own taxes
-First time I bought a trench coat
These are just a few of my "first" and alot more are sure to come.
I will be posting pictures and videos of the first that are listed above as well as the new adventures I will be embarking on. I would also love any suggestions on things I should try or do.
Thank you!